Tag Archives: Paramore

Song of the Day: “All I Wanted” by Paramore (Brand New Eyes)

Yet another great song from Paramore’s new album, “Brand New Eyes,” is featured as today’s song of the day.  The song is “All I Wanted,” it’s great.  The whole album is really good, actually.  Here’s the song:

What do you think of today’s song of the day, “All I Wanted”?  Leave your comments below or send an e-mail to theconservativejournal@gmail.com.  Don’t forget to bookmark The Conservative Journal and sign up for the RSS Feed and the daily e-mail newsletter.

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Song of the Day: “Careful” by Paramore (On Latest Album, “Brand New Eyes”)

“Careful” is definitely my favorite track on Paramore’s latest album, “Brand New Eyes”.  It’ currently in the 50s on the iTunes most downloaded chart with no airplay to speak of, so obviously this one’s going to be a hit.  Listen below:

What do you think of today’s song of the day, “Careful”?  Leave your comments below or send an e-mail to theconservativejournal@gmail.com.  Don’t forget to bookmark The Conservative Journal and sign up for the RSS Feed and the daily e-mail newsletter.

Also, Deluxe Membership is now available, click here to join for free and you could win a brand new netbook!

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Filed under Song of the Day

Song of the Day: “Ignorance” by Paramore

I continue to be amazed by Hayley Williams crazy vocals.  Here’s there latest single, “Igorance”:

What do you think of “Ignorance”?  Leave your comments below or send an e-mail to theconservativejournal@gmail.com.  Don’t forget to bookmark The Conservative Journal and sign up for the RSS Feed and the daily e-mail newsletter.

Also, Deluxe Membership is now available, click here to join for free and you could win a brand new netbook!

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Filed under Song of the Day

Song of the Day: New Feature!

Some may say I’m a little feature happy.  Well, I’m pleased to inform you that I don’t care.  I love to keep the masses informed of every little opinion I have in every area of thought.  So with out further ado, I present to you the “Song of the Day” feature!

This feature will showcase a song, whether it be a live recording or studio recording, and a little short review or snippit.  The song earns an automatic spot on the TCJ Playlist and of course bragging rights for being featured on a site as prestigious as The Conservative Journal.

Today’s song of the day was also the video of the day, Paramore’s recording of “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon.  That video can be found here.

Leave your comments below or send an e-mail to theconservativejournal@gmail.com.  Don’t forget to bookmark The Conservative Journal and sign up for the RSS Feed and the daily e-mail newsletter.

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Video of the Day: Paramore Singing “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon

Here’s a great video of Haley Williams of Paramore singing “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon.  I love the song in its original form, but Haley Williams is a great vocalist so I like this as well.  It’s a different, softer take on the original.  Watch below:

What do you think of this version of the song compared with the original?

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Filed under Entertainment, Music, Paramore, Video of the Day