Tag Archives: CSPAN

Poll of the Day: Do You Support Barack Obama’s Speech to America’s School Children?

To read my full opinion on the issue, click here.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Breaking News, Education, Poll of the Day

Hey, Maybe If Students Hear it From Barack They’ll Listen?- A Conservative In Favor of Barack’s Speech

Barack to School!

Barack to School!

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been avoiding the issue of Barack’s big speech to school across the nation.  Why you ask?  Well, I’m not in school, nor do I have kids who are, so it really just isn’t high on my priorities.  Today, however, I did find time to read (skim) the transcript.  I mean, I had to; it is the most controversial speech since the last time Van Jones spoke.

What I found was not controversial, not threatening, and definitely not reminiscent of Nazi Germany (Yes, a friend of mine did say that today).  Now, I’m the last person you’d expect to take up for B.O., but I just don’t see the harm.  It’s a speech that covers everything anyone in the school system has been taught since day 1; try hard, do right, and don’t drop out.  I’d feel the same way if anyone else was giving a speech with an identical transcript.  It’s just not that earthshatteringly important of a speech.

Having said that, this speech could be beneficial if the right people see it.  Many children look up to Barack, for reasons beyond my comprehension.  But for whatever reason, they do.  Hearing those same words that have been drilled into their heads since pre-k from him may be the extra push they need.  And while it’s not going to save America’s youth and slash the drop-out rate by a considerable amount, it’s certainly going to help more students than it will hurt.  So take it from this die-hard Conservative; don’t get to worked over this speech.  Sure it’ll take a few minutes out of the day, but it’s not like any classroom in this country works bell-to-bell.  And even if it does take class time, if it even helps one person to stay in school and get an education then it was worth it in my book.

Vote in Today’s Poll of the Day about the speech controversy by clicking here.

DISCLAIMER: As I said earlier, I don’t have children in the school system, so I’m sure parents look at this from a different perspective.  I certainly don’t think my opinion is the governing power.  If you see the situation from a different point of view, let me know below in the comments or send me an e-mail at theconservativejournal@gmail.com.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Education, Politics