Tag Archives: shepard smith

Week In Review: April 19th-25th

Site News

  • This week, a new feature was introduced at The Conservative Journal:  The Library!  The TCJ Library will feature must read books and magazines that I have read and reviewed, or those that have been suggested to me by readers.  If you have written a book or know of a book that you think should be included, please e-mail me a theconservativejournal@gmail.com!  For more details, click here.

Top 10 Posts and Pages of the Week

Everyone seemed to like these, so if you missed be sure to click the article and them out!

  1. Video of the Day: More From Susan Boyle!
  2. Video of the Day: Susan Boyle!
  3. What’s Everyone’s Beef With Meghan McCain?
  4. Parks and Recreation “The Reporter” Recap
  5. Happy Al Gore Day Everyone!
  6. Fringe “Bad Dreams” Recap
  7. UPDATE: Levi Johnston Says His Family Isn’t White Trash
  8. Mail Bag: I’m Behind, I Know
  9. Week In Review: April 12th-18th
  10. TCJ Library Addition: Vilified!

Posts From the Week

If you missed these posts the first time around, be sure to click the title and read it now!  They in order from oldest to newest.

Poll of the Day Results

April 19th- Do You Care At All About Barack’s New Dog?

  • 38% agree with me in saying that coverage is getting ridiculous, 28% don’t really care if they talk about it or not, 24% think it’s great to hear about their personal lives, and the remaining 10% didn’t he got a dog.  I wonder what rock they’ve been living under?

April 20th- Do You Consider Waterboarding Torture?

  • 56% of those that voted think that waterboarding is not a form of torture, 38% think that it is torture, and the remaining 6% don’t know what waterboarding is.

April 21st- Who Was Your Favorite On American Idol?

  • Every week so far, Adam Lambert has taken top honors as your favorite American Idol contestant.  This week, however, he passes the crown on to Kris Allen, who received 26% of the vote.  Adam Lambert was close, though, with 25% of the vote.  The rest of the idols stacked up as follows:  Matt Giraud  received 15%, Allison Iraheta received 13%, Danny Gokey received 8% of the vote, Anoop Desai received 4% of the vote, and Lil Rounds came in last with 1%.  The remaining 7% dont’ watch.  Again this week, the voters predicted the bottom two, who both left in a double elimination.

April 22nd- What Do You Think of the NOM Ad?

  • 43% of those that voted said that, even though they were conservative, they were against the ad, 37% said it was moronic, 11% thought the ad was great, and 9% don’t know what to think.

April 23rd- Was Carrie Prejean’s (Miss California) Question Fair?

  • 68% said that they question was not fair, 21% thought it was fair, and the remaining 11% weren’t sure.


Filed under Week In Review

Video of the Day: Shep, Calm Down!

Come on Shep, let’s be reasonable.  There is no reason to be dropping the f-bomb, even if you do feel passionately about America not torturing anyone.  The clip is quite interesting, and, though I’ve only watched his show a few times, I never would have expected this from him.  Watch the clip below let us all know what you think!

EDIT: This occured on The Strategy Room, which is Fox News’ new show that can be streamed from their website.  So this didn’t occur on his show or other tv broadcast.  Thanks punditpawn for clearing that up.

Thanks for visiting!



Filed under Entertainment, Humor, Shep Smith, Television, Video of the Day