Tag Archives: levi johnson

Month In Review: April 2009

Site News

  • This month, the following were introduced:
    • The Conservative Journal Library which features the must read books and magazines.  The books are either books I’ve read, or books that have been suggested to me.  If you have a suggestion, e-mail me at theconservativejournal@gmail.com.
    • The Conservative Journal Seal of Approval.  This award honors people that exhibit some form of excellence.  All winners are listed in the Hall of Fame.
    • The Conservative Journal Honorary Plaque of Fail.  This award is the anti-Seal of Approval.  All winners are listed in the Hall of Fame.

Month In Numbers

  • 65,994 page views (More than double last month’s views.)

Top 20 Posts and Pages of the Month

  1. Video of the Day: Susan Boyle!
  2. Video of the Day: More From Susan Boyle!
  3. What’s Everyone’s Beef With Meghan McCain?
  4. Video of the Day: Hollie Steel from Britain’s Got Talent
  5. Video of the Day: Shaheen Jafargholi from Britain’s Got Talent
  6. Levi Johnston Interview with Tyra- Recap
  7. American Idol Top 8 Recap
  8. The Tale of the Chia Pet
  9. Video of the Day: American Idol Performances
  10. UPDATE: Levi Johnston Says His Family Is Not “White Trash”
  11. Week In Review: April 19th-25th
  12. Swine Flu: Never Fear, You Can Still Eat the Bacon!
  13. Top Sites
  14. Meghan Is Taking Her Father’s Maverick Label Too Seriously
  15. American Idol Top 7 Recap
  16. Video of the Day: A Tale of Two Bows
  17. Amy Poehler Spruces Up Thursday Nights With ‘Parks’
  18. Mail Bag: Matt Delves Further Into AIG
  19. Video of the Day: Miss California on Gay Marriage
  20. Who Are They Kidding?  Of Course He Bowed!

Posts and Polls from This Month

Look towards the bottom of these “Week in Review” posts to see every post from each week of the month, in addition to results from each poll of the day from the month!

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Week In Review: April 19th-25th

Site News

  • This week, a new feature was introduced at The Conservative Journal:  The Library!  The TCJ Library will feature must read books and magazines that I have read and reviewed, or those that have been suggested to me by readers.  If you have written a book or know of a book that you think should be included, please e-mail me a theconservativejournal@gmail.com!  For more details, click here.

Top 10 Posts and Pages of the Week

Everyone seemed to like these, so if you missed be sure to click the article and them out!

  1. Video of the Day: More From Susan Boyle!
  2. Video of the Day: Susan Boyle!
  3. What’s Everyone’s Beef With Meghan McCain?
  4. Parks and Recreation “The Reporter” Recap
  5. Happy Al Gore Day Everyone!
  6. Fringe “Bad Dreams” Recap
  7. UPDATE: Levi Johnston Says His Family Isn’t White Trash
  8. Mail Bag: I’m Behind, I Know
  9. Week In Review: April 12th-18th
  10. TCJ Library Addition: Vilified!

Posts From the Week

If you missed these posts the first time around, be sure to click the title and read it now!  They in order from oldest to newest.

Poll of the Day Results

April 19th- Do You Care At All About Barack’s New Dog?

  • 38% agree with me in saying that coverage is getting ridiculous, 28% don’t really care if they talk about it or not, 24% think it’s great to hear about their personal lives, and the remaining 10% didn’t he got a dog.  I wonder what rock they’ve been living under?

April 20th- Do You Consider Waterboarding Torture?

  • 56% of those that voted think that waterboarding is not a form of torture, 38% think that it is torture, and the remaining 6% don’t know what waterboarding is.

April 21st- Who Was Your Favorite On American Idol?

  • Every week so far, Adam Lambert has taken top honors as your favorite American Idol contestant.  This week, however, he passes the crown on to Kris Allen, who received 26% of the vote.  Adam Lambert was close, though, with 25% of the vote.  The rest of the idols stacked up as follows:  Matt Giraud  received 15%, Allison Iraheta received 13%, Danny Gokey received 8% of the vote, Anoop Desai received 4% of the vote, and Lil Rounds came in last with 1%.  The remaining 7% dont’ watch.  Again this week, the voters predicted the bottom two, who both left in a double elimination.

April 22nd- What Do You Think of the NOM Ad?

  • 43% of those that voted said that, even though they were conservative, they were against the ad, 37% said it was moronic, 11% thought the ad was great, and 9% don’t know what to think.

April 23rd- Was Carrie Prejean’s (Miss California) Question Fair?

  • 68% said that they question was not fair, 21% thought it was fair, and the remaining 11% weren’t sure.


Filed under Week In Review

Mail Bag: I’m Behind, I Know

I’ve gotten a lot of great comments and e-mails over the last few weeks, and I’m behind on posting them.  So this “Mail Bag” is probably going to be pretty lengthy.  Thanks everyone that commented and sent e-mails!

Here is something Matt C. e-mailed me that I thought was pretty great.  The message details what happened pre-George Bush that played a big part in the financial crisis:

I keep hearing that the Bush economic policy was to blame for the economic crisis we now face. Lord knows Bush’s budgets were way out of line, even though he had 9/11, Wars, Katrina, Power Outages in NYC and the like (secondary causes of recession). The fact is that the primary culprit behind the economic crisis was the statist policies from Carter & Slick Willy that Bush inherited:

1977 CRA Community Reinvestment Act – The act provided that banks have an “affirmative obligation” to meet the credit needs of the communities in which they are chartered.

1989 Congress amended the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act requiring banks to collect racial data on Mortgage applications.

1995 Treasury Department issued regulations tracking loans by neighborhoods, income groups, and races to rate the performance of banks. The ratings were used by regulators to determine whether the government would approve bank mergers, acquisitions, and new branches. It also encouraged statist-aligned groups, such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN) and the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, to file petitions with regulators, or threaten to slow or even prevent banks from conducting their business by challenging the extent to which banks were issuing these loans. With such powerful leverage over banks, some groups were able, in effect, to legally extort banks to make huge pools of money available to the groups, money they in turn used to make loans.

The Banks and community groups issued loans to low-income individuals who often had bad credit or insufficient income. And these loans, which became known as “Subprime” loans, made available 100% financing, did not always require the use of credit scores, and were even made without documenting income. Basically, the government insisted that banks abandon traditional underwriting standards if the bank wanted to grow. Not to mention that in 1992 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were pressured by the HUD to purchase large bundles of these loans for the conflicting purposes of diversifying the risk and making even more money available to banks to make further risky loans.

Congress also passed the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act which eventually mandated that these companies by 45% of all loans from people of low and moderate incomes. The Treasury Department also established the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, which provided banks with tax dollars to encourage even more risky loans.

When you add derivatives and Greenspan into the mix, you have an economic crisis, not just a housing/banking crisis. This cannot be blamed on Just President Bush by any stretch of the imagination. I am not at all excusing Bush from any responsibility. He made his share of mistakes. But to insist that he was entirely to blame ignores years of damaging statist government intervention.

Internet sensation Susan Boyle also sparked much discussion at The Conservative Journal:

Joel & Brenda said:

GOD bless her!  oops!!  HE already has!!!

Chrisee said:

As they say when God closes a door he opens up a window,it is said that she told her mother upon her death bed that she would enter this contest,and as they also say it is so,you see it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you in life, What he has out there for you, nobody can take away or stop you,the people were laughing in the beginning,but that was his child out there as we all are,but he who laughs first most certainly will laugh last,See you in concert,Ms.Susan Boyle,most of us can’t wait,for all those people who picked on you in life,he said he would make your enemy your footstool,believe me it has already happened,wish I could be at your next high school reunion

Sharlee said:

It just goes to show that you should NEVER judge a person by there looks alone!! Think of the talent we would have missed if they didn’t give her a chance. BRAVO Susan. Toronto Ontario, Canada.

Shirley S. had this to say about Levi Johnston:

Levi Johnson states that people think his family is white trash??  I am a believer based on his and their choice to expose personal information about their governor’s family.  In fact, the Johnsons seem to be working overtime to set a new standard for trashy.  How disgusting to talk like that about someone he was supposed to love.  As they say, he has had his 15 minutes.  Now it is time for him to shut his big mouth and move on.
Obviously, he has no consideration for what his child will endure in the future because of his “revelations”, and also obvious is that he does not care.  It doesn’t have anything to do with who the Palins are.  They are people just like the rest of us.  Most people only see now what a jerk he has become or probably always was.  Bristol just did not realize it.  What I find amusing is how he thinks this will help his relationship with his son.   He sure saved Bristol’s life by turning his back on her, and he sure gave the right reason.  What a grossly immature person Levi Johnson is.

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Filed under Mail Bag

Week In Review: April 5th- 11th

Site News

  • The Conservative Journal is on track to hava another record week this week.  Final page view numbers aren’t in for today, but our daily page view average for the week is at the its highest point yet.  Thanks for visiting The Conservative Journal and making this blog a success!

Top 10 Posts and Pages of the Week

Everyone seemed to like these posts, if you missed them be sure to check them out now!

  1. American Idol Top 8 Recap
  2. The Tale of the Chia Pet
  3. Levi Johnston’s Interview with Tyra Banks- Recap
  4. Week In Review: March 29th- April 4th
  5. UPDATE: Levi Johnston Says His Family Isn’t “White Trash”
  6. What’s Everyone’s Beef With Meghan McCain?
  7. Video of the Day: Barack’s Got Some Skills!
  8. Top Sites
  9. Video of the Day: American Idol Performances
  10. PolitiPoll Site Rankings: Check This Out!

Posts from the Week

If you missed these posts over the past week, be sure to click the article links to check to them out!  The posts are in order from oldest to newest.

Poll of the Day Results

April 4th- What Do You Think of Levi Johnston’s Interivew with Tyra Banks?

  • 54% of those that voted felt that Levi lied throughout the interview to extend his time in the spotlight, 29% don’t care enought about Levi to even read the recap/watch the clips, and the remaining 17% actually thought it was a good interview.  Maybe they were confused about which interview I was talking about?

April 5th- No Poll

April 6th- What Do You Think of Barack’s Reliance on a Teleprompter?

  • After Barack’s mess up during a town hall last week, it was quite clear that he was relying to heavily on his teleprompter.  72% of those that voted agreed with me in saying that it’s ok to use a teleprompter, as long as you actually know what your saying.  17% think that he should never use a teleprompter, which is unrealistic in my eyes, and the remainging 11% said that we should leave him alone.

April 7th- Who Was Your Favorite On American Idol?

  • For the 3rd week in a row, Adam Lambert leads the favorite idol poll with 28% of those that voted chosing him as their favorite; up 11 percentage points from last week.  The rest of the Idols stacked up like this: Allison Iraheta received 14%, Danny Gokey recevied 12%, Kris Allen received 10%, Matt Giraud recevied 9%, Anoop Desai received 5%, Lil Rounds received 3%, and Scott MacIntyre received 2%.  Of the remaining 17%, 7% said they miss meghan, and 10% said they don’t watch.  **Fun Fact** The voters in this poll “predicted” not only the bottom 3, but also that Scott would be eliminated.

April 8th- Whose Side Are You On: Palin or Johnston?

  • 57% of voters said they are on the Palin’s side, 28% said they are on the Johnston’s side, and the remaining 15% said they can’t stand either.

April 9th- What Do You Think of the Obama Chia Pet?

  • With all of the outrage over the Obama chia pet, I had to see what everyone thought.  74% agreed with me that there is nothing wrong with and everyone needs to calm down.  14% think it’s racist and horrible, 9% don’t know what a chia pet is, and 3% don’t know who Barack Obama is.  I feel confident they were kidding.

April 10th- No Poll

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Filed under Week In Review

UPDATE: Levi Johnston Says His Family Isn’t “White Trash”

Levi Johnston says he is not white trash.  Like anyone would amit to that.

Levi Johnston says he is not "white trash". Like anyone would admit to that.

Ole Levi is continuing on his press journey, now with an interview on CBS.  During the interview Levi said that, contrary to popular relief, his family is not “white trash”.  Of course he did, who’s going to admit to being white trash?  No one.  What struck me the most was his mom’s excitedness when she found out Bristol was pregnant.  Levi said in the interview when he told his mom she was ecstatic and said she had been waiting for this day.  I think this reinforces the “white trash” conclusion.  He made it sound like his mom had been on pins and needles waiting for her son to have a child with his girlfriend.  He then said that the Palins weren’t “quite as excited as his parents”, but they weren’t mad or anything.  Of course they weren’t excited, she was running for V.P. for goodness sakes!

Though Levi comes across as not the brightest crayon in the box, I feel like he was been the most respectful to the Palin’s out of his family.  His sister has been a complete stick in the mud.  She called the Palin’s snobby, and outright said they were lying about everything.  She also said she didn’t see Levi for months except when he came home to shower.  My question is, if Levi was living with the Palin’s and had all his belongings there, whey didn’t he just shower at their home?  Something is still weird about all this.  No matter how many times they Johnstons say the Palins are lying, I have a hard time believing them.  I’m sure I’ll have more of this to talk about in the coming days.

What do you think about the fued between the Palins and the Johnstons?  Leave your comments below or send us an e-mail at theconservativejournal@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading!



Filed under Bristol Palin, Interviews, Levi Johnston, Television

Poll of the Day: What Do You Think of the Levi Johnston Interview?

Levi Johnston recently appeared on Tyra to talk about his relationship with the Palin family.  If you missed the entire, you can read a recap here.  What did you think of the interview?  Vote below in today’s poll.


Filed under Interviews, Levi Johnston, Poll of the Day, Television

Levi Johnston’s Interview with Tyra- Recap

Look Mrs. Tyra, I have a Bristol tat!

"Look Mrs. Tyra, I have a Bristol tat!

Bristol Palin’s ex-finance, Levi Johnston, recently sat down with his Tyra for an interview about his relationship with Bristol Palin, their baby, and the rest of the Palin clan.  Levi has zero personality, and the interview is awkard, so I’ll spare you from having to watch clips.  Here are the highlights:

  • Bristol allows him to see the baby, but not take him anywhere.
  • The two fight a lot according to Levi, and Bristol is grouchy and short with him.
  • Apparently, they had sex multiple times because Levi says they usually practiced safe sex.
  • He then says when Bristol became pregnant they were having save sex.  Yeah, and I’m Queen Elizabeth.  (Don’t touch me Obamas!
  • He said he didn’t want to go to the RNC, but Bristol asked.
  • **Bombshell Alert**- Levi thinks Sarah Palin knew they were doing it because they shared a room.  Levi, seriously?  I have a hard time believing the two 1) shared a room nightly, and 2) the guy was banging the governor’s daughter inside their home in an actual bedroom.  Don’t teens that are having secret sex usually do it in a car or somewhere a bit less obvious??
  • Levi got a “Bristol” tattoo on his ring finger.
  • His family was not allowed to comment during the campaign.
  • In the end, though, he still would vote for Sarah if she were to run against Barack.

This family is real gem, I must say.  Something about them is just off, and they are trying to hard to get recognition.  Going on Tyra to talk about your problems is so uncool.  The cool cats visit Maury.

What do you think of this interview?  Do you believe Sarah knew the two were having sex before Bristol became pregnant?  Leave a comment below or send an e-mail to theconservativejournal@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading!



Filed under Bristol Palin, Entertainment, Interviews, Levi Johnston, Television